Step by step guide - Apply for a divorce order

Information about how to apply for a Divorce Order using the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

All Applications for Divorce should be filed online through the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

You will need access to a printer and scanner.

You have to pay a fee when you file your Application for Divorce.

1. Register for a Commonwealth Courts Portal online account

To register for an account:

  1. go to the Commonwealth Courts Portal
  2. select ‘Register now’ above the login section
  3. enter your personal details, including:
    - name
    - phone number
    - email address
  4. choose a username
  5. choose a password
  6. if you agree to the terms and conditions of use, tick the box next to ‘I have read and accept the terms and conditions of use’
  7. click ‘Register’. You will now receive an email with your chosen username and a temporary password
  8. return to the Commonwealth Courts Portal main page
  9. enter your username and temporary password
  10. create a new password
  11. if you agree to the terms and conditions of use, tick the box next to ‘I have read and accept the terms and conditions of use’.

2. Create a new application for divorce

To apply for a Divorce Order:

  1. click ‘Start a new file’
  2. click ‘Confirm’
  3. tick the box ‘Application for Divorce’
  4. click ‘Continue’
  5. tick the box ‘Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia’
  6. click ‘Continue’
  7. enter a title and description for your application, for example ‘Application for Divorce’, click ‘Create’ and then ‘OK’.

3. Compete your application for divorce

Save and validate each section of your application as you go so you do not lose your work. Information you have saved will be kept for 90 days.

When completing your application you must include the following information: