Ideal Exchange Students: Statement of Purpose

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My name is Rafael Ortiz, and I am a second-year student in Aviation (Aeronautical Engineering) at the ZHAW School of Engineering. I am delighted to seize this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only further improve my language and communication skills but also to enhance my future career opportunities. I am particularly interested in studying at the Estonian Aviation Academy due to its multicultural environment, innovative education system, and the numerous programs taught in English. My interest in discovering new, to me unknown cultures and countries motivated me to study in Estonia. Finally, the numerous museums in Tartu, which allow for enrichment in knowledge, led to this decision as well.

As I have always planned to spend a semester abroad during my studies, I am eager to enrich my general knowledge and broaden my mind, get insight into the different educational systems, experience different cultures and traditions and develop my professional individuality. I am excited to exchange ideas with different people from all over the world and hear their perspectives. Communication is an integral part of both, my studies and aviation in general. As a result of that, it is crucial for me to understand cross-cultural differences deeply and improve my international communicative skills. Therefore, doing an exchange semester abroad is an obvious decision.

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The Estonian Aviation Academy is my first choice for my exchange semester due to the broad variety of courses you offer, especially the remotely piloted aircraft module. In addition, the courses offered almost perfectly match my desired career path. Its reputation and the reviews of former students that visited the Estonian Aviation Academy, motivated me even more, to study at the Estonian Aviation Academy. In addition, I was further encouraged by the exchange students from Estonia that are currently studying at the School of Engineering in Winterthur.

I have excellent English proficiency which would allow me to adapt quickly to an English-speaking country and university. My first experience as an exchange student was in 2014, during my language stay in Montpellier, France. This language stay wasn't organized by me but by my vocational school. Although I didn't enjoy learning French, I enjoyed living in a different culture with people from around the world. My second experience as an exchange student followed a year later in London. Unlike my first language stay, I not only enjoyed living with a host family and working with many different people but also learning and enhancing my English. I organized this language stay by myself to be better prepared for the English exam (First). Although both languages stays lasted only two weeks, they were both an enrichment which I will remember very well.

Finally, I would like to say that I am highly self-motivated and once I have set myself a goal, I strive to achieve it. Having traveled internationally by myself several times, I am convinced that these experiences and my open-mindedness make me an ideal exchange student and thus perfect for this exchange program. It would be a pleasure and honor to represent my home university and my country in Tartu next semester.