25 Legal Intake Specialist Interview Questions and Answers


Learn what skills and qualities interviewers are looking for from a legal intake specialist, what questions you can expect, and how you should go about answering them.

Published Jan 6, 2023

A legal intake specialist is the first point of contact for potential clients of a law firm. The specialist’s job is to gather information about the potential client’s legal issue and determine if the firm can help. This can be a high-pressure job, as the specialist must make a good impression and get the necessary information in a short amount of time.

If you’re interested in becoming a legal intake specialist, you’ll need to be able to answer common interview questions about your qualifications, skills, and experience. You’ll also need to be prepared to ask questions of your own to get a better understanding of the firm’s needs and expectations.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with sample legal intake specialist interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your next interview.

Common Legal Intake Specialist Interview Questions

1. Are you familiar with the legal system?

Interviewers may ask this question to see if you have experience with the legal system and how it works. They want to make sure that you can complete your job duties without needing a lot of training or support from other employees. In your answer, try to explain what you know about the legal system and highlight any specific knowledge you have.

Example: “Yes, I am very familiar with the legal system. I have been a Legal Intake Specialist for over five years and during that time I have gained extensive knowledge of court procedures, filing deadlines, and other related processes. I understand the importance of accuracy when it comes to legal documents, as well as the need to stay up-to-date on changes in the law. I also have experience working with clients from diverse backgrounds and cultures, which has helped me develop strong communication skills. Finally, I am comfortable using various computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook to manage files and keep track of important information. All these experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.”

2. What are some of the most important skills for a legal intake specialist?

Interviewers may ask this question to learn more about your skills and abilities as a legal intake specialist. They want to know what you consider important in the role, so they can determine if you have these skills. When answering this question, think of some of the most important skills you possess that are relevant to this role.

Example: “As a Legal Intake Specialist, I believe the most important skills are excellent communication, attention to detail, and problem-solving.

Excellent communication is essential for any legal intake specialist because they must be able to effectively communicate with clients and other members of the legal team. This includes being able to explain complex legal concepts in an easy to understand way. It also means being able to listen carefully and ask questions when necessary.

Attention to detail is another key skill for a legal intake specialist. They need to ensure that all relevant information is collected accurately and completely so that it can be used by the rest of the legal team. This requires paying close attention to details such as dates, names, and other pertinent facts.

Lastly, problem-solving is an important skill for a legal intake specialist. They often have to think quickly on their feet and come up with creative solutions to challenging problems. Being able to identify potential issues before they arise and coming up with effective strategies to address them is critical for success in this role.”

3. How would you deal with a difficult client?

This question can help the interviewer assess your interpersonal skills and ability to resolve conflict. Use examples from past experiences where you helped a client feel heard or resolved an issue with them.

Example: “When dealing with a difficult client, I believe it is important to remain professional and calm. The first step I would take is to listen to the client’s concerns and try to understand their perspective. Once I have done that, I can then address their issues in an appropriate manner. If needed, I will explain the legal process and provide them with resources they may need. It is also important to be patient and understanding while maintaining firm boundaries. I strive to create a positive experience for all clients, regardless of how challenging they may be. My goal is to ensure that each client feels heard and respected throughout the entire process.”

4. What is your experience with data entry?

Legal intake specialists often have to enter data into a computer system. This question helps the interviewer determine your experience with this process and how you feel about it. Use your answer to highlight your skills in data entry, including accuracy and attention to detail.

Example: “I have extensive experience with data entry. I worked as a Legal Intake Specialist for the past five years, and during that time I was responsible for entering client information into our database. I am very familiar with all of the software programs used to enter and update client information, including Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and QuickBooks. I also have experience using web-based databases such as Salesforce and Clio.

In addition to my data entry experience, I have excellent organizational skills which help me keep track of large amounts of data quickly and accurately. I understand the importance of accuracy when it comes to data entry, and I always double check my work before submitting it. I am confident in my ability to provide accurate and timely data entry services.”

5. Provide an example of a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation at work.

This question can help interviewers learn more about your problem-solving skills and how you react to challenging situations. When answering this question, it can be helpful to describe a situation that was difficult but also one in which you were able to resolve the issue or conflict.

Example: “I recently had to deal with a difficult situation at work when I was working as a Legal Intake Specialist. One of our clients had submitted an incomplete form and requested that we process it quickly, despite the fact that it did not meet all of the requirements for submission.

In this instance, I had to explain to the client why their request could not be fulfilled and how they needed to complete the form in order to move forward with their case. I also had to take into consideration the urgency of the situation while still ensuring that all legal protocols were followed.

To handle the situation, I took the time to review the form and provide detailed feedback on what needed to be done in order to submit a complete application. I then worked with the client to ensure that all of the necessary information was provided before submitting the form. This allowed us to successfully process the application without compromising any legal regulations or deadlines.”

6. If a client is unable to provide all of the necessary information, what would be your strategy for obtaining it?

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to work with clients who are unable to provide all the information you need. In your answer, demonstrate that you can be flexible and adaptable when working with a client.

Example: “If a client is unable to provide all of the necessary information, my strategy would be to first assess the situation and determine what type of information they are missing. Depending on the type of information needed, I would then use various methods to obtain it. For example, if the client is missing documentation such as contracts or agreements, I could contact other parties involved in the case to request copies. If the client is missing personal information, I could ask them to fill out an intake form with their details. Finally, if the client is missing financial information, I could reach out to banks or credit bureaus to verify the data.”

7. What would you do if you noticed a mistake in a legal document that you had processed?

Mistakes can happen, and employers want to know that you are willing to admit your mistakes and correct them. In your answer, explain what steps you would take to fix the mistake and how you would ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Example: “If I noticed a mistake in a legal document that I had processed, my first step would be to assess the severity of the mistake. If it was minor and could easily be corrected without causing any major issues, then I would make the correction myself. However, if the mistake was more serious or complex, I would immediately alert the appropriate parties so they could take action to correct it.

I understand the importance of accuracy when dealing with legal documents, which is why I always double-check my work before submitting it. I also have experience working with various software programs for document management, which can help me identify potential errors quickly and accurately. My attention to detail and commitment to quality assurance makes me an ideal candidate for this position.”

8. How well do you understand the various legal codes and terminology used in the legal system?

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your knowledge of the legal system and how it works. They want to know that you have a strong understanding of the laws, regulations and procedures in place for their organization. In your answer, try to show that you are familiar with these codes and terms and can apply them correctly when needed.

Example: “I have a deep understanding of the various legal codes and terminology used in the legal system. I have been working as a Legal Intake Specialist for the past five years, and during that time, I have developed an extensive knowledge base of all relevant legal codes and terminology. In addition to my experience, I also hold a degree in law from a prestigious university, which has further enhanced my understanding of the legal system.

My expertise in this area allows me to quickly identify any issues or discrepancies with legal documents. I am also able to provide accurate advice on how best to proceed with cases based on existing laws and regulations. Furthermore, I have excellent communication skills which enable me to explain complex legal concepts in plain language to clients.”

9. Do you have any experience working with legal software or other tools to help you complete your job duties?

Legal intake specialists often use software to help them complete their job duties. The interviewer may ask this question to learn about your experience with legal software and how you used it in the past. If you have experience using legal software, describe what kind of software you’ve worked with and what your responsibilities were when using that software.

Example: “Yes, I have extensive experience working with legal software and other tools to help me complete my job duties. During my previous role as a Legal Intake Specialist, I was responsible for managing the intake process from start to finish. This included using various legal software programs such as LexisNexis, Westlaw, and Practice Panther.

I also had the opportunity to work with other tools such as document management systems, client relationship management systems, and case management systems. These tools allowed me to efficiently manage client information, track progress on cases, and ensure that all documents were properly stored and organized. My ability to quickly learn new software and adapt to changing technologies has been an invaluable asset in helping me succeed in this field.”

10. When working with clients, how do you ensure that you maintain their confidentiality?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you will protect their clients’ information. Use examples from your previous experience to show that you have a strong understanding of confidentiality and privacy laws.

Example: “Maintaining client confidentiality is of utmost importance when working as a Legal Intake Specialist. I understand the sensitivity of the information that clients provide and take extra steps to ensure their privacy is safeguarded.

When dealing with clients, I always make sure to explain the importance of keeping their information confidential. I also ensure that all conversations are conducted in a secure environment, such as over the phone or through an encrypted messaging system. Furthermore, I never share any personal details with third parties without explicit consent from the client.

I also take additional measures to protect client data by using secure software programs for document storage and encryption. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access the documents and that they remain safe from potential cyber threats. Finally, I regularly review my processes to make sure that I am following best practices for protecting client information.”

11. We want to improve our customer service and legal intake processes. Describe a strategy that you would use to implement improvements.

Interviewers may ask this question to learn how you approach change and your ability to implement improvements. Use examples from previous experience implementing changes in a professional setting.

Example: “I believe that the best way to implement improvements in customer service and legal intake processes is by first understanding the current process. This means gathering feedback from customers, lawyers, and other stakeholders about their experiences with the existing process. Once I have a good grasp on what’s working and what needs improvement, I would then create an action plan for making those changes.

My strategy would involve identifying areas of opportunity, such as streamlining paperwork or automating certain tasks, and developing solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the organization. I would also work closely with the team to ensure that everyone understands the new process and has the necessary tools and resources to make it successful. Finally, I would track progress and measure success using key performance indicators to ensure that our efforts are paying off.”

12. Describe your experience working with legal databases.

Legal intake specialists use a variety of databases to manage their cases. The interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your experience with these systems and how you’ve used them in the past. In your answer, describe which database systems you’ve worked with and what kind of information they contain.

Example: “I have extensive experience working with legal databases. I have been a Legal Intake Specialist for the past five years, and in that time I have become very familiar with various types of legal databases. I am adept at searching through large amounts of data to find the information needed to complete tasks quickly and accurately.

I also have experience creating and managing custom databases for specific clients. This includes designing database structures, writing queries, and implementing security measures. I understand the importance of keeping client data secure and confidential, so I always take extra precautions when dealing with sensitive information.”

13. What makes you the best candidate for this job?

Employers ask this question to learn more about your qualifications and how you can contribute to their company. Before your interview, make a list of all the skills and experiences that qualify you for this role. Focus on highlighting your most relevant experience and soft skills.

Example: “I believe I am the best candidate for this job because of my extensive experience as a Legal Intake Specialist. I have worked in the legal industry for over five years, and during that time I have gained valuable knowledge and skills related to intake management. My background includes working with clients from all walks of life, providing them with exceptional customer service and ensuring their needs are met.

In addition to my experience, I also possess strong organizational and communication skills which are essential for success in this role. I am highly organized and detail-oriented when it comes to managing client information and paperwork. I also have excellent interpersonal skills, enabling me to build relationships with clients quickly and effectively. Finally, I am an independent worker who is able to take initiative and work without direct supervision.”

14. Which legal areas do you have the most experience working with?

This question can help the interviewer determine if your experience aligns with the job description. It also helps them understand what you’re most passionate about and how much you know about the company’s legal services. When preparing for this interview, make sure to read through the job description thoroughly so you can highlight any areas of expertise that match up with their needs.

Example: “I have the most experience working with family law, criminal defense and civil litigation. I have worked in these areas for over 5 years and am very familiar with the legal processes involved. In my current role as a Legal Intake Specialist, I manage all aspects of client intake from initial contact to case management. My responsibilities include conducting interviews with potential clients, gathering documents, researching relevant laws and regulations, and providing advice on legal matters.

I also have experience in other areas such as estate planning, contract drafting, and real estate transactions. I understand how important it is to stay up-to-date on changes in the law, so I make sure to keep abreast of any new developments that may affect my work. I’m confident that my expertise in these areas will be an asset to your team.”

15. What do you think is the most important aspect of a legal intake specialist’s job?

This question is an opportunity to show the interviewer that you understand what’s important about this role. Your answer should include a few key responsibilities of the job and how they relate to your own values and goals.

Example: “I believe the most important aspect of a legal intake specialist’s job is to ensure that all potential clients are provided with an accurate and thorough assessment of their case. This means listening carefully to each client, understanding their needs and concerns, and providing them with clear information about the legal process they may be facing. It also involves gathering relevant facts and documents in order to provide the best possible advice or representation.

In addition, I think it’s essential for a legal intake specialist to be able to effectively communicate with both clients and attorneys. This includes being able to clearly explain complex legal concepts in plain language, as well as having strong interpersonal skills to build rapport and trust with clients. Finally, it’s important to have excellent organizational skills so that all cases can be managed efficiently and accurately.”

16. How often do you think legal intake specialists should update their knowledge of the law?

Interviewers may ask this question to see if you are committed to continuing your education. They want to know that you will continue to learn and grow as a legal intake specialist, which can help you provide better service to their organization. In your answer, explain how important it is for you to stay up-to-date on the law. Explain what methods you use to keep yourself informed about changes in the law.

Example: “As a Legal Intake Specialist, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest legal developments. I believe that legal intake specialists should strive to update their knowledge of the law at least once per month. This can be done by reading relevant articles and staying abreast of any changes in legislation or court rulings. In addition, attending conferences and seminars related to the field can also help keep one informed about the latest developments. Finally, networking with other professionals in the same field can provide valuable insight into current trends and best practices. By taking these steps, legal intake specialists can ensure they are well-informed and able to offer the most accurate advice to clients.”

17. There is a new law that you don’t understand. What would be your strategy for learning about it?

This question is a great way to show your interviewer that you are willing to learn and grow as an employee. It also shows them that you have the ability to research information on your own, which can be important for this role. When answering this question, make sure to explain how you would go about researching the law and what resources you would use.

Example: “My strategy for learning about a new law would be to first research the topic thoroughly. I would start by reading any relevant articles or case studies related to the law, as well as consulting legal experts in the field. This would give me an understanding of the basics and key points of the law.

I would then use this knowledge to create questions that can help me gain a deeper understanding of the law. These questions could include asking for clarification on certain aspects of the law, exploring how it is applied in different contexts, and seeking advice from experienced professionals who have worked with the law before.

Lastly, I would take advantage of any available resources such as online courses, seminars, and workshops to further my knowledge on the subject. By doing so, I am confident that I will be able to become proficient in the new law and apply it effectively when working with clients.”

18. Describe a time when you had to work with a tight deadline.

This question can help the interviewer understand how you handle pressure and whether you have experience working under tight deadlines. Use examples from your previous work experience to highlight your ability to meet deadlines, prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

Example: “Working with tight deadlines is something I have a lot of experience with. Recently, I was part of a team tasked with creating an intake process for a new legal department. We had to create the entire process from scratch and we only had two weeks to do it.

I took charge of the project and worked closely with the other members of my team to ensure that all tasks were completed on time. I created a timeline outlining each step of the process and assigned responsibilities accordingly. To stay organized, I used project management software to track progress and keep everyone informed. In the end, we successfully met our deadline and the client was very pleased with the results.”

19. What is your experience working in a team environment?

Working in a team environment is an important skill for legal intake specialists. Employers ask this question to make sure you have experience working with others and collaborating on projects. Use your answer to explain what makes you a good team member. Share one or two examples of how you worked well with others in the past.

Example: “I have extensive experience working in a team environment. In my current role as a Legal Intake Specialist, I collaborate with other departments to ensure that our clients receive the best possible service. For example, I work closely with the billing department to make sure all invoices are processed correctly and on time. I also coordinate with the marketing department to create promotional materials for potential clients.

In addition, I am highly organized and able to prioritize tasks efficiently. This helps me manage multiple projects at once while ensuring deadlines are met. I’m also an excellent communicator, both verbally and in writing, which allows me to effectively communicate with colleagues from different departments. Finally, I’m very detail-oriented and take pride in producing quality results.”

20. How do you stay organized and ensure accuracy when dealing with legal documents?

Legal intake specialists must be highly organized and detail-oriented to ensure they are processing cases correctly. Employers ask this question to make sure you have the skills necessary for the job. In your answer, explain how you stay organized and provide an example of a time when you used these skills in your previous role.

Example: “I have developed a system for staying organized and ensuring accuracy when dealing with legal documents. First, I make sure that I understand the document thoroughly before beginning any work on it. This includes reading through the entire document to ensure that I am familiar with all of the relevant information. Once I have a full understanding of the document, I create an outline or checklist so that I can easily refer back to key points as I work.

In addition, I always double-check my work for accuracy. This involves going over each section of the document multiple times to ensure that I haven’t missed anything important. Finally, I use software such as Microsoft Word to help me stay organized and keep track of changes made to the document. This allows me to quickly reference past versions of the document if needed. By following these steps, I am able to stay organized and ensure accuracy when dealing with legal documents.”

21. Do you have any experience working with clients from different cultural backgrounds?

The interviewer may ask this question to see if you have experience working with clients from different backgrounds. This can help them determine whether or not you are able to work with a diverse clientele and how you would handle it. In your answer, try to explain that you enjoy working with people of all backgrounds and cultures.

Example: “Yes, I have extensive experience working with clients from different cultural backgrounds. During my previous role as a Legal Intake Specialist, I had the opportunity to work with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. I was able to develop an understanding of their unique needs and preferences and apply that knowledge when providing legal advice.

I also took part in several training sessions on cultural sensitivity and how to effectively communicate with clients from different backgrounds. This gave me valuable insight into how to approach conversations with clients who may not be familiar with the legal system. I believe this experience has equipped me with the skills necessary to provide excellent customer service to all types of clients.”

22. Are there any areas of the job that you think need improvement?

This question can help the interviewer determine your ability to be a team player. It also shows that you are willing to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. When answering this question, it can be helpful to mention an area of the job that you think could use some changes or improvements but also explain how you would implement those changes.

Example: “I believe that any job can always be improved upon. When it comes to legal intake, I think the key is to ensure that all of the necessary information is collected quickly and accurately. This means having a streamlined process in place for gathering data from clients and ensuring that all relevant documents are properly filed.

In addition, I think it’s important to have an efficient system in place for tracking client progress throughout the case. This could include utilizing technology such as cloud-based document management systems or automated reminders to keep everyone on track. Finally, I think it’s essential to provide timely feedback to clients so they know their case is being handled efficiently.”

23. In what ways do you think technology can help improve legal intake processes?

This question can help interviewers understand your knowledge of technology and how you might apply it to the role. Use examples from your experience that show your ability to use technology to improve processes, increase efficiency or create new ways to complete tasks.

Example: “I believe technology can be a great asset when it comes to improving legal intake processes. By utilizing the latest technologies, firms can streamline their intake process and make it more efficient. For example, using automated forms and online questionnaires can help reduce the amount of time spent manually entering data into a system. This would allow for faster processing times and improved accuracy. Furthermore, by leveraging cloud-based solutions, firms can securely store client information in one centralized location, making it easier to access and update information as needed. Finally, AI-enabled chatbots can provide an additional layer of customer service, allowing clients to quickly get answers to their questions without having to wait on hold or contact multiple departments.”

24. Describe a situation where you had to explain complex legal concepts to a client.

Interviewers may ask this question to assess your communication skills and ability to break down complex legal concepts into simpler terms. Use examples from previous roles where you had to explain a client’s case or the law in simple language.

Example: “I recently had a situation where I was tasked with explaining complex legal concepts to a client. This particular client was new to the legal system and didn’t have much knowledge of the law or how it works.

To ensure that they understood the information, I took my time to explain each concept in detail. I used simple language and provided examples to help them better understand the material. I also asked questions throughout the process to make sure they were following along and comprehending the information.”

25. What strategies do you use for staying up-to-date on changes in the law?

Interviewers may ask this question to see if you have a plan for keeping your knowledge of the law current. They want to know that you’re committed to learning and growing as an employee. In your answer, explain how you stay up-to-date on changes in the law and what resources you use.

Example: “As a Legal Intake Specialist, it is important to stay up-to-date on changes in the law. To ensure I am well informed, I use several strategies. First and foremost, I read legal news articles regularly to keep abreast of new developments. I also attend seminars and webinars hosted by industry experts to gain a better understanding of current trends and regulations. Finally, I network with other professionals in the field to exchange ideas and learn from their experiences. By utilizing these strategies, I am able to stay informed and provide my clients with accurate information.”